The Forbidden Fruit... Tastes a heck of a lot like Apple!

Okay, so anyone who reads this thing (if anyone DOES read this thing) knows that my “blogging” to this point has been somewhat.. less than consistent. I know, I know, I’ve been a slacker, and there’s no excuse for it. But, to make it up to all you folks, I do vow that with the help my new baby here, I will (hopefully) never again leave you all in the lurch like this.
In other news, the purchase of my mac has raised some serious questions, and even a little guilt in my mind, over indulgence, and having what the have-nots have not. Sure, owning a masterful prototype of Macintosh computing excellence such as this one has been a dream of mine for, I would wager, close to a decade (which is a lot when you’re 20!), but now that I have it, and more importantly, have paid its lofty price tag, somehow I feel like I shouldn’t have.
Does anyone else out there get buyer’s anxiety, or rather, buyer’s remorse? Cause it’s driving me NUTS! And to set the record straight, this is not a case of regret. No, my beautiful BabyMac is just as amazing as I’d always dreamed he would be, and I can’t wait to finally figure out how to USE the thing! But my great purchase is, I think, overshadowed by the alternate reality that I am, for the first time in my 4 years out, taking the death-plunge into the world of student loans.
Ahh... the fate I swore I’d never succumb to. Yet here I am, and to make matters worse, between my heavy workload (second-year Education studies meets catching up on 8 credit-hours), and several important-to-me activities I am choosing to undertake (such as being involved with youth ministry, planning a snow-boarding retreat, learning how to skate and play hockey, and, in short, having friends) I’m not yet confident I’ll be able to juggle a part-time job. (My rocky days at Radioshack haunt me still...)
So let’s recap on the latest in Kelly’s life.
-Just come off two summer jobs
-Spent the weekend moving into an apartment with a girl she barely knows
-Getting chucked full-swing into education
-Relegated once again to bus transportation
-And poor.
Ahhh, but isn’t life good?
For those of you whose curiosity has been piqued by the mention of my yet unidentified roommate (yeah, I think I’ll leave you hanging), that, my friends, is a story for another day.
So keep tuning in as the ever-evolving adventures of Kelly’s life become somewhat better-documented.
12:34 AM
Yeah...a story for another day. You still haven't told the 4 people who read this blog about her yet.
On another note, how come you fail to mention my successful attempt to get you swing dancing? Maybe I'll answer that question in your latest entry.
Keith top
1:12 AM
Sorry, I also forgot to mention how much more awesome your iMac is to my first model Mac Mini. No Core Duo and no remote...
Can you gauge indulgence by how much money you spend? In that respect, would I be indulging if I spent more on organic foods, or more environmentally friendly products? Now, in saying that, I think the question of indulgence is more of necessity vs. desires rather than cost.
As for buyer remorse, from my experience I think it comes down to one question. "Will I become a have-not?"
How do you combat or reduce buyer's remorse? Prioritize your expenditures. Buy less. Subscribe to the ideology of Voluntary Simplicity. To restrain ourselves enables us to be free.
Keith top