The Forbidden Fruit... Tastes a heck of a lot like Apple! Monday, September 04, 2006 |

Okay, so anyone who reads this thing (if anyone DOES read this thing) knows that my “blogging” to this point has been somewhat.. less than consistent. I know, I know, I’ve been a slacker, and there’s no excuse for it. But, to make it up to all you folks, I do vow that with the help my new baby here, I will (hopefully) never again leave you all in the lurch like this.
In other news, the purchase of my mac has raised some serious questions, and even a little guilt in my mind, over indulgence, and having what the have-nots have not. Sure, owning a masterful prototype of Macintosh computing excellence such as this one has been a dream of mine for, I would wager, close to a decade (which is a lot when you’re 20!), but now that I have it, and more importantly, have paid its lofty price tag, somehow I feel like I shouldn’t have.
Does anyone else out there get buyer’s anxiety, or rather, buyer’s remorse? Cause it’s driving me NUTS! And to set the record straight, this is not a case of regret. No, my beautiful BabyMac is just as amazing as I’d always dreamed he would be, and I can’t wait to finally figure out how to USE the thing! But my great purchase is, I think, overshadowed by the alternate reality that I am, for the first time in my 4 years out, taking the death-plunge into the world of student loans.
Ahh... the fate I swore I’d never succumb to. Yet here I am, and to make matters worse, between my heavy workload (second-year Education studies meets catching up on 8 credit-hours), and several important-to-me activities I am choosing to undertake (such as being involved with youth ministry, planning a snow-boarding retreat, learning how to skate and play hockey, and, in short, having friends) I’m not yet confident I’ll be able to juggle a part-time job. (My rocky days at Radioshack haunt me still...)
So let’s recap on the latest in Kelly’s life.
-Just come off two summer jobs
-Spent the weekend moving into an apartment with a girl she barely knows
-Getting chucked full-swing into education
-Relegated once again to bus transportation
-And poor.
Ahhh, but isn’t life good?
For those of you whose curiosity has been piqued by the mention of my yet unidentified roommate (yeah, I think I’ll leave you hanging), that, my friends, is a story for another day.
So keep tuning in as the ever-evolving adventures of Kelly’s life become somewhat better-documented.