Plus one!
This has been my first time here taking in a new child, and it's been interesting to watch his adjustment to life at Hogar Amiguitos. Joy provides a helpful commentary to the process, since having been here for four years now, she's seen this many times. You can imagine the struggles that arise in taking a child who is completely unused to chores, responsibilities, and consequences, much less schedules, bedtimes, two-hour study times and regular showers entering into this highly structured environment. Inevitably, there's resistance.
Janiel is definitely the youngest we have here (although Xochilt and Luz, at 7 and 8, are actually not that much older - I had previously said, I believe, that they're nine, but that's not the case). This, I think, has actually been an advantage for having him adjust to life here, as he looks to the other kids for an example and is also still young enough to be fairly easily molded - he hasn't had as much time to harden.
Janiel's first day at Hogar Amiguitos was quite the kick-off. He showed up in the middle of the afternoon with the staff of Mi Familia without any warning. We spent a fair amount of the afternoon hunting down supplies and clothes for him (all of the clothes our children receive are the pick of the litter in terms of donations - everything they wear they received new with tags on). He's a pretty tiny kid, only slightly bigger than Adán, so most of his pants he's wearing gangster style. Joy says he'll grow like a weed now that he's eating meat and vegetables every day. After he had been bathed and dressed he joined into the afternoon study time with a colouring book and some crayons (hey, who knew that the Spanish word for crayons is crayola?)
We had a group visiting us that evening - an American family visiting on vacation - and they spoiled the kids rotten. All of the girls 12 and up went with them on a shopping spree - I don't think they had any idea how much money $50 American each is here... $1000 Cordobas goes a long way. That evening we had a fiesta in honour of several occasions at once; the graduation of Angelica, welcoming Janiel to the home, and, since American Thanksgiving had just passed without fanfare, the beginning of the Christmas season. That night we had the most epic piñata ever! It was the largest piñata I've ever seen in my life, and it was stuffed to the hooves (it was a pony) with candy. The thing was large enough that Adán could have ridden it (and he did, actually, but not quite like you're thinking...)
Generally, according to Joy, new kids learn quickly here as the others take him or her under their wings and show them the ropes. So it has been with Janiel, for the most part. I've been actually quite surprised at how quickly he's adjusted to the rules and consequences here, especially when I recall the first few epic battles of will. But really, I think he's too young to really feel empowered to challenge the authorities. And, he's not a bad kid.
I held my breath for a few of the "firsts"; his first visit to the cancha (he ran outside and down the hill and had to be carried back in, after which he laid down on the floor by his chair and cried), his first few mornings of participating in our daily two-hour work-time (gardening, grass-cutting, raking, etc), and his first time having to drink his milk laced with Amoxicillin. But honestly, I haven't had to have the same fight with Janiel more than once so far. I'd say he's getting along quite well.
On Sunday we decorated the Christmas tree! This is one story that can be better told with photos...
In closing, I thought I'd share a few of my firsts that have occurred in the past few weeks:
And you know, other than that, just hanging out with some pretty sweet kids.